Membership at RBC

Own the Mission

What does it mean to own the mission? The mission of Redemption Bible Church is to exalt God, equip believers, and evangelize the lost. Owning the mission is more than just agreeing with that statement. It also includes a lifestyle oriented towards its contribution and its continuation. In other words, you’ve decided Jesus is the most important thing in your life, and you desire to make Him known above all else. It means you’ve experienced life change, and you are helping others experience life change available in Jesus. 

We believe that when God redeems us, He also calls us into fellowship with one another. For that reason, we’re convinced that making an actual commitment to join one local church is an important part of any Christian’s discipleship. Of course, we welcome anyone to come and explore Christianity with us any time, and for as long as they’d like! But through meaningful membership, committed Christians don’t just go to Redemption Bible Church; together, we are Redemption Bible Church.

If you have accepted Christ as your savior and have been baptized by immersion, we want to invite you to own the mission here at Redemption by becoming a member.

We ask that each member read and agree with our Membership Covenant. Specifically, the purpose of this membership covenant is to align members of RBC by:

1. Identifying a distinct community that is being formed by the Gospel and sent on mission.
2. Clarifying the ongoing blessings, responsibilities, and expectations of members and leaders.
3. Encouraging ongoing alignment, accountability and unity within our local church family.

We’re excited about how the Lord might lead you to go deeper and own the mission here at Redemption. Please feel free to contact us regarding any questions about membership. 

God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Corinthians 1:9