Exodus 33:17-34:9

Main Idea: Be in awestruck by the reality that we, as Christians, never cease to be in God’s presence.

  1. God’s presence is increasingly inaccessible.
    1. Because we need grace to be in God’s presence.
    2. Because we need a mediator to be in God’s presence.
    3. Because we need a new covenant to remain in God’s presence.
  2. We have the hope of being able to access God’s presence.
    1. Because we have hope that we will receive grace and mercy.
    2. Because we have hope in getting a new covenant.
    3. Because we have hope in getting a better mediator.
  3. Application
    1. Worship
      1. In reverent fear
      2. In bold confidence
    2. Treasure the local church
    3. Take heart that God will never leave you
    4. Ask for mercy